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Below you will find important information for understanding the ratings and spice guide terms as well as the information about our team and where to follow them.

Spice Guide Terms



  • Light Make Out: just a kiss or two and nothing more

  • Light Steamy Scene: short and intimate with a little bit of detail

  • Steamy Scene: they’re making out and participating in intimate exploration, a bit more detail

  • Heavy Steamy Scene: they don’t have s*x but the get pretty dang close

  • Spice Scene: you know what’s happening but it’s not very long and there’s no explicit details

  • Moderate Spice Scene: some graphic language and a few details

  • Heavy Spice Scene: very graphic or long with a lot of details

Spice Ratings


🌶: fade to black, you know what happened but there are no details

🌶🌶: there are only a couple of scenes but they are short and/or not very detailed

🌶🌶🌶: there are a few scenes throughout the book that are pretty explicit

🌶🌶🌶🌶: a good amount of spice scenes are extremely detailed, lots of talk about s*x throughout the book

🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶: more than 5 spice scenes are very graphic, tons of innuendos throughout the book

Meet The Team

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