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Binding 13 (Boys of Tommen #1)

Written by: Chloe Walsh

Goodreads Avg. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.44

My Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶

Very little spice but a lot of swearing and innuendos.

Genre: Contemporary Romance, YA Romance, Sport Romance

Please note for the spice guide that the page numbers are based on the paperback copy as seen in the picture. Page numbers may vary between copies.


If this book was a Pinterest board:

My Review:

I had a really interesting reading experience with this book. I went in knowing that this was the start of a really popular book series but that was pretty much all I knew. Right off the bat, I didn’t really jive with the writing and I felt some of the plot points were a little weird. I was confused as to why everyone loved this book so much. I felt a lot of the characters were pretty annoying.

But the further I got in, the more invested in these characters I felt and the more I needed to know what happened to them. I did enjoy that this was a slow burn and I enjoyed the tension between the main characters. The length of this book didn’t bother me but I did think the ending was way too abrupt. It just felt unfinished even for a book that has a sequel. I will probably pick up the next book but I don’t think I’ll pick up anything else from this author.


Spice Guide

(Drop-down contains exactly where to skip—down to the sentence—and any important information missed. It may include spoilers)

Steamy Scene — Chapter 5, Page 54

Steamy Scene — Chapter 51, Page 472

Steamy Scene — Chapter 63, Page 564


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