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Coming Home (Windsor Peak #1)

Written by: Denise Latham

Goodreads Avg. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.42

My Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice Rating: no spice

Genre: Adult Romance


If this book was a Pinterest board:


Jake married his high school sweetheart, Jenna, and had a baby with her at a very young age. After losing her in a tragic accident shortly after their baby was born, Jake was lost and didn’t know what to do with his grief and his infant baby. He ultimately decided he needed to enlist in the military.

After serving for 14 years, Jack was impacted by an injury overseas and he finds himself back home in Windsor Peak indefinitely. His parents have assumed guardianship over his son, Charlie, who he hasn’t spent a significant amount of time with his whole life. Now Jake feels it’s finally time to bond with his son while he can.

While he was away, he has been messaging with a girl from his hometown, Shea. They started as platonic friends but confided in each other with their feelings and experiences. Now that he’s back home, their friendship could lead to more.

Now Jake has to decide if he will go back and finish his duty or stay home and build a future with Shea and Charlie.

My Review:

WOW! I didn’t know what to expect going into this book besides knowing that it was a closed door romance. It completely blew me away!

This is so much more than just a romance. The author tackles difficult topics like PTSD, grief, and family relationships. I felt so connected to every character and the small-town feel this book gives is so comforting. While handling these sad topics, it still ended up being a very wholesome story with a happy ending.

The author uses her own experiences as inspiration for some of the aspects of the story and it shows! She makes the character's experiences feel so realistic which connects you to them even more. I have a soft spot for Charlie and I feel his anger toward his dad was so believable which I think is difficult to do as writing a teenager, realistically, is not often done well in adult books.

I didn’t expect how much I would care about these characters throughout the book and I can’t wait to see what Denise does with the other brother’s love stories next.


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