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Happily Never After

Written by: Lynn Painter

Goodreads Avg. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.73

My Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶🌶🌶

Definitely open-door spice. There are a few scenes throughout the book that are pretty explicit.

Genre: Adult Romance

Please note for the spice guide that the page numbers are based on the hardback copy. Page numbers may vary between copies.

Review and Spice Guide by: Rachel


If this book was a Pinterest board:

My Review:

As always, Lynn Painter continues to deliver in yet another amazing rom-com novel. This book was fun, witty, and cute. The friendship that turns more to romance between Sophie and Max I thought was sweet, but at the same time super blunt with one another as they work out what it would look like to go from FWB to something more.

Overall, really cute book & def recommend if you want a light-hearted, fast-paced romance novel that is perfect for a weekend read or a book to read on a flight!

Also warning: there crude/ vulgar language in this one.


Spice Guide

(Drop-down contains exactly where to skip—down to the sentence—and any important information missed. It may include spoilers)

Heavy Spice Scene - Chapter 30, Page 166

Heavy Spice Scene - Chapter 47, Page 258

Spice Scene - Chapter 50, Page 268


I am always looking for ways to improve the user's experience on The Cleaned-Up Romance Collection. If you have any ideas on how to make this book's spice guide better, leave a comment below.

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