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The Happy Ever After Playlist

Written by: Abby Jimenez

Goodreads Avg. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.18

My Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶🌶

There were only 2 spice scenes but one went on for ages and was pretty detailed.

Genre: Adult Romance

Please note for the spice guide that the page numbers are based on the paperback copy. Page numbers may vary between copies.

Review and Spice Guide by: Emily


If this book was a Pinterest board:

My Review:

I was locked in to this story in the first 10% because of how quickly I became attached to the characters. Abby Jimenez is just so good at making believable characters and a fun romance story while still touching on very real issues. I had such a good time reading this book and would definitely recommend for a quick, easy read!


Spice Guide

(Drop-down contains exactly where to skip—down to the sentence—and any important information missed. It may include spoilers)

Steamy Scene - Chapter 18, Page 155

Heavy Spice Scene - Chapter 23, Page 191


I am always looking for ways to improve the user's experience on The Cleaned-Up Romance Collection. If you have any ideas on how to make this book's spice guide better, leave a comment below.

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