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The Unmaking of June Farrow

Written by: Adrienne Young

Goodreads Avg. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.17

My Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice Rating: 🌶🌶

Only a few scenes that are short and not descriptive. Light steamy scene - steamy scene.

Genre: Magical realism, Romance, Fantasy

Please note for the spice guide that the page numbers are based on the hardback copy as seen in the picture. Page numbers may vary between copies.

Review and Spice Guide by: Rachel


If this book was a Pinterest board:

My Review:

This book is simply magical. We follow a woman named June Farrow, who is under her family’s curse. She goes on a journey to undo and break this curse … along the way she uncovers the family mysteries and she finds herself entangled in a love story that is deep and intimate. We follow two different timelines in this story… the magic in this book reminds me of Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with alternate timelines. The romance in this book is also beautifully written. I absolutely adore this book. It is pure magic and the story is beautiful - I would absolutely recommend it!


Spice Guide

(Drop-down contains exactly where to skip—down to the sentence—and any important information missed. It may include spoilers)

Light Make Out - Chapter 19, Page 205

Light Steamy Scene - Chapter 22, Page 231

Steamy Scene - Chapter 24, Page 258

Spicy Scene - Chapter 26, pg. 272


I am always looking for ways to improve the user's experience on The Cleaned-Up Romance Collection. If you have any ideas on how to make this book's spice guide better, leave a comment below.

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